Elevated 5xx errors when paginating various endpoints


I was sent here from a support chat… We’ve had a Pipedrive integration within Geckoboard for the last few years… and it hasn’t changed.

However over the last couple of months we’ve seen elevated number of 5xx errors when paginating through the various endpoints including deals, activities and persons. This isn’t specific to our account - so I’m not comfortable of exposing too much information about the mutual customer accounts.

This fluctuates week to week - the most common 5xx error we receive is 502 response status code.

For example we reached “page” 31 on the /activities endpoint using the following params, but on the 32nd request limit=500&start=15500&user_id=0 we got a 502

another request for /deals reached the 91st “page” but on the 92nd we got a 502 back, we were using the params limit=500&start=45500

I notice some response headers including a x-correlation-id - would something like this be useful to help isolate/debug this issue further ?

It seems that breaking it down further, that there appears to be a handful of orgs that receive this more compared to other customers, so we’d like to understand if there is some known issue or something ?

Kind Regards

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Hi @geckoboard_jon
Thanks for sharing this in detail. Would like to get to the bottom of this.

I have reached out to you in DM for further details pertaining to those companies and the integration

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