I am not able to add participants to certain activities

I am trying to add participants to activities. I am able to do that via NodeJS client for few meetings and not for few of them.

Is there any limitation or category in which we cannot add participants. I am able to add participants from PipeDrive Web interface but not through Node code.

Below is some piece of code.

let activityPd = await lib.ActivitiesController.getDetailsOfAnActivity(body.meetingId,()=>{});

body.participants.forEach(element => {

await lib.ActivitiesController.updateEditAnActivity({
    id: activityPd.data.id,
    participants: activityPd.data.participants

Where body is

“participants”: [
“person_id”: 187297,
“primary_flag”: false
“person_id”: 187304,
“primary_flag”: false
“meetingId”: 177338

Below is the activity Object from PD before adding attendee.

“id”: 177338,
“company_id”: 7485596,
“user_id”: 12184306,
“done”: false,
“type”: “mtgconf_call”,
“reference_type”: null,
“reference_id”: null,
“conference_meeting_client”: null,
“conference_meeting_url”: null,
“due_date”: “2021-07-12”,
“due_time”: “”,
“duration”: “”,
“busy_flag”: null,
“add_time”: “2021-07-11 14:28:53”,
“marked_as_done_time”: “”,
“last_notification_time”: null,
“last_notification_user_id”: null,
“notification_language_id”: 1,
“subject”: “Meeting for July 12”,
“public_description”: “”,
“calendar_sync_include_context”: null,
“location”: null,
“org_id”: 150961,
“person_id”: 187482,
“deal_id”: 208633,
“lead_id”: null,
“lead_title”: “”,
“active_flag”: true,
“update_time”: “2021-07-13 06:25:21”,
“update_user_id”: 12243963,
“gcal_event_id”: null,
“google_calendar_id”: null,
“google_calendar_etag”: null,
“source_timezone”: null,
“rec_rule”: null,
“rec_rule_extension”: null,
“rec_master_activity_id”: null,
“conference_meeting_id”: null,
“note”: null,
“created_by_user_id”: 12243963,
“location_subpremise”: null,
“location_street_number”: null,
“location_route”: null,
“location_sublocality”: null,
“location_locality”: null,
“location_admin_area_level_1”: null,
“location_admin_area_level_2”: null,
“location_country”: null,
“location_postal_code”: null,
“location_formatted_address”: null,
“attendees”: null,
“participants”: [
“person_id”: 187241,
“primary_flag”: false
“person_id”: 187482,
“primary_flag”: true
“series”: null,
“org_name”: “Jeneration Capital”,
“person_name”: “Vincent Ho”,
“deal_title”: “YQ3-Jeneration Capital”,
“owner_name”: “averyjin@thrivealts.com”,
“person_dropbox_bcc”: “thrivealternatives-sandbox@pipedrivemail.com”,
“deal_dropbox_bcc”: “thrivealternatives-sandbox+deal208633@pipedrivemail.com”,
“assigned_to_user_id”: 12184306,
“type_name”: “Mtg/Conf Call”,
“file”: null

Did you see an error message while trying to perform the operation? If so, can you share the details?

The participant information can be passed as an array of objects to updateActivity endpoint
