Lead Update the field 'next_activity_id' to connect a defined activity

Hi Dev Team,

I need to update (guess: PATCH) a Lead via API to link a next activity to it. Could someone point me to a proper direction to realize this. The activity is currently only connected to a person.

Thanks in advance!

PS: I know this part of the API interface, but the link to custom fields does not work there: https://developers.pipedrive.com/docs/api/v1/#!/Leads/patch_leads_id

PPS: https://pipedrive.readme.io/docs/core-api-concepts-custom-fields#section-updating-a-custom-field pipedrive docs drive me cracy here. I don’t know if i should use /dealFields/ or do you have a corresponding /leadFields/ planned or existing?

+1 Still important - is there any api developer reading the forum posts?

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