Microsoft Flow data access problem


First of all, I’m sorry for the bad English. I’m using google translate

I was using Microsoft Flow. I wanted to add a new flow 3 months ago. But there was an error.

The error code is as follows

Could not retrieve values. The message body is not a valid JSON. Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: �. Path ‘’, line 0, position 0.

  • at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue()*
  • at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load(JsonReader reader, JsonLoadSettings settings)*
  • at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Proxy.Gateway.MessageBody.AsJObject(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, JsonSerializerSettings settings)*
  • at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Proxy.Gateway.MessageBody.As[T](Boolean preserveContent)*

Error that appears when I select an activity type
Pictures as below

  • I tried with a new computer. It did not work
  • I changed the api key. It did not work
  • I opened different pipedrive account, tried different microsoft flow account. It did not work :slight_smile:

Does anyone have any idea about the subject?

Hi @ipak,

You’re going through this integration, right?

Hello @David
Yes, it is true

I was discussing this issue with microsoft. However, they could not find a solution.

Adewale Olowu (Tek Experts) <>
Thu 2020-06-11 11:39
Hello Ilter,

Thank you for your time on the call.

From the details provided, I understand the search feature may not work due to the modification of the Pipedrive API.

As stated during the during our call, Pipedrive is a third party application which is integrated with flow.

You mentioned that you have reported the issue to the Pipedrive team and is being currently worked on.

I would suggest you follow up with Pipedrive services and also the Pipedrive community as further action to resolve this may depend on them.

On the call, I asked for your consent to temporarily archive the case pending the time the issue is fixed by the Pipedrive team and if you have issues with the flow, you can re-open the ticket and we will be glad assist.