Problem updating House Number


the persons field “Hausnummer” (thats “house number” in German) is not updated when sending an API request that contains the information.

Do you have any idea, what could cause the problem?

The field does exist. This is the api response for the PersonFields:

“id”: null,
“key”: “92cbe86223a2ee7ac702a8b39c43ed7211275bf2_street_number”,
“name”: “Hausnummer”,
“field_type”: “varchar”,
“edit_flag”: false,
“active_flag”: true,
“is_subfield”: true,
“mandatory_flag”: true

So the field exists. But it’s simply not updated on pipedrive. I’ve tried using the following keys:


Both are not working.

Best Regards

Hi there!

I would suggest to try to take a look here, first to make sure you’re not missing anything.

If you think you’re doing everything right, can you post your whole request so we can take a better look? (Remove sensitive information like API token, etc.)

I just rechecked everything. The only field that causes problem is the “Hausnummer” field. Here is my request object:

“name”: “Some Name”,
“email”: "",
“phone”: [
“label”: “lp phone”,
“value”: “123456”,
“primary”: true
“label”: “lp phone 2”,
“value”: “”,
“primary”: false
“label”: “lp fax”,
“value”: “”,
“primary”: false
“visible_to”: 1,
“f3dbd2b17021cdbda0b83ea4c4cd6ac362c96928”: “bla”,
“a1bd6af28ae1313b7af057717c4b208ccfb6729a”: “blub”,
“92cbe86223a2ee7ac702a8b39c43ed7211275bf2”: “DE”,
“92cbe86223a2ee7ac702a8b39c43ed7211275bf2_street_number”: “222”,
“20d19b9274c51fe2be347c73f0b90669b61efa82”: “XY-Street.”,
“9c623eb5d046bbee8c8bf4ed1a02595ce222f0ee”: “12345”,
“d2906aa8efaf2ecb8dcbd603a1dec496fcfd06eb”: “Some City”,
“ad1a3f06516f6ad18c4670c23376db540c5b0ff8”: “2018-10-09”,
“b4c6393f3893a5d6abcc5dd90b582698c23b967e”: “14:21:19”,
“301468c0820dc28f77af57415768cd2cc96a799c”: 12345,
“owner_id”: 1233123

I just added some logging on the request object for checking whether the house number is set. It is set, as you can see for the key “92cbe86223a2ee7ac702a8b39c43ed7211275bf2_street_number” exists and is set. All other fields are updated correctly in Pipedrive, but “Hausnummer” stayes unchanged.

The key with the “_street_number” at the end looks very suspiscious… :smiley:

I’m quite sure it’s not the right key.

Can you check again inside your Settings -> Customize fields what is the actual key of that field?

It’s returned this way from Pipedrive API. What’s strange about this is, that there are multiple “Hausnummer”-Fields for persons returned. When calling the method

The response contains seven entries for “Hausnummer”

  "id": null,
  "key": "92cbe86223a2ee7ac702a8b39c43ed7211275bf2_street_number",
  "name": "Hausnummer",
  "field_type": "varchar",
  "edit_flag": false,
  "active_flag": true,
  "is_subfield": true,
  "mandatory_flag": true
  "id": 9065,
  "key": "4ebaecedfe92cf744fe619853ce3c17f5708afc8",
  "name": "Hausnummer",
  "order_nr": 25,
  "field_type": "address",
  "add_time": "2017-07-10 07:57:26",
  "update_time": "2018-10-10 06:03:52",
  "active_flag": true,
  "edit_flag": true,
  "index_visible_flag": true,
  "details_visible_flag": true,
  "add_visible_flag": true,
  "important_flag": true,
  "bulk_edit_allowed": true,
  "searchable_flag": true,
  "filtering_allowed": true,
  "sortable_flag": true,
  "mandatory_flag": false
  "id": null,
  "key": "4ebaecedfe92cf744fe619853ce3c17f5708afc8_street_number",
  "name": "Hausnummer",
  "field_type": "varchar",
  "edit_flag": false,
  "active_flag": true,
  "is_subfield": true,
  "mandatory_flag": true
  "id": null,
  "key": "20d19b9274c51fe2be347c73f0b90669b61efa82_street_number",
  "name": "Hausnummer",
  "field_type": "varchar",
  "edit_flag": false,
  "active_flag": true,
  "is_subfield": true,
  "mandatory_flag": true
  "id": null,
  "key": "9c623eb5d046bbee8c8bf4ed1a02595ce222f0ee_street_number",
  "name": "Hausnummer",
  "field_type": "varchar",
  "edit_flag": false,
  "active_flag": true,
  "is_subfield": true,
  "mandatory_flag": true
  "id": null,
  "key": "d2906aa8efaf2ecb8dcbd603a1dec496fcfd06eb_street_number",
  "name": "Hausnummer",
  "field_type": "varchar",
  "edit_flag": false,
  "active_flag": true,
  "is_subfield": true,
  "mandatory_flag": true
  "id": null,
  "key": "postal_address_street_number",
  "name": "Hausnummer",
  "field_type": "varchar",
  "edit_flag": false,
  "active_flag": true,
  "is_subfield": true,
  "mandatory_flag": true

It looks very strange. Can you check manually in Settings -> Customize fields and send a screenshot or copy/paste?

This is the only “Hausnummer” field in the backend.

As you can see, the actual key for that field is the one that starts with 4eb…
If you update with that key I’m sure it will work.

The real question is why do you get that weird response from /personFields? :thinking:

Can you send me your company id in private?

Ok… Those are subfields of a custom address field. You get them all if you request the fields via API, but you can only really update the main field. This means you should update the whole address.

In your case for example, let’s say your current address is
22 Water St. Marshalltown, IA 50158

and you want to change it to
18 Water St. Marshalltown, IA 50158

Your request shouldn’t be

   "92cbe86223a2ee7ac702a8b39c43ed7211275bf2_street_number": "18"


   "92cbe86223a2ee7ac702a8b39c43ed7211275bf2": "18 Water St. Marshalltown, IA 50158"

I get that it can be misleading if you receive all the subfields with the /personFields endpoint. It could make you think that you can update them individually, but in reality all those subfields are filled parsing the main address, so that’s what you should focus on.

I hope that clarifies.