Unable to Add Lead via API


I am building an App in R to generate leads based on user input that also queries a series of other APIs to populate the auto-populate fields. As part of the workflow, I first have to create an organisation which I’ve been able to successfully do using the following code:

#Creating Body
body_list <-
            name = 'org-test-final',
            owner_id = '14069249',
            address = 'test',
            'e55ececa028500071612988156f8019db00dc838' = 'test',
            '7fd7ef095fd39f3ce00588828084fc2a8dbb3b36' = 'test', 
            'ed20dd4374769b330f08ab10f30569d0fe8d93f4' = 'test'

#Creating URL
url <- paste0('https://MY_COMPANY.pipedrive.com/api/v1/organizations?api_token=', AUTH_TOKEN)
org_post <- httr::POST(url, body = body_list)

#Checking status code

The above yields the status code 201 (Success) and I am able to see the organisation appear on the web client. Next, I attempt to create a lead using the organisation ID from the newly created organisation:

#Creating Body
body_list <- 
          title = 'lead-test',
          organization_id = 2914
#Creating URL
url <- paste0('https://MY_COMPANY.pipedrive.com/v1/leads?api_token=', AUTH_TOKEN)
lead_post <- POST(url, body_list)

#Checking status code 

When doing this, I am faced with the status code 400 (Bad Request). I am unsure what I am doing wrong as I am following the same structure as how I successfully created the organization.


I attempted to create a DEAL instead of a LEAD and it also worked with code shown below:

body_list <- 
          title = 'deal_test',
          org_id = 2914
url <- paste0('https://MY_COMPANY.pipedrive.com/api/v1/deals?api_token=', AUTH_TOKEN)
lead_post <- httr::POST(url, body = body_list)

Still unsure what is going wrong with the Lead POST…

hey @raphamasoli , according to your functional request is it possible you miss the /api/ part in your URL when trying to call leads api?

I think it should look like