Update a custome deal field for a specific deal

Hey @hugoskwirrel
Missed your post until now. A similar question was answered here, but let me copy what was written:

When using the Pipedrive API doc, please keep in mind it is more of an example rather than a be-all-end-all option and it is best to use an API Development Environment like Postman. To GET all the organization fields, this endpoint can be used to pinpoint the API hash or the field API key: https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/organizationFields?api_token= 16

Knowing which custom field you want to update for a specific organization, feel free to use:
https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/organizations/ 16[ORG ID]?api_token=

and in the body:
“API hash or field API key”:“intended value”,
“API hash or field API key”:“intended value”

Note: if looking to update one field only, remove the comma “,” at the end of the first line in the body.