Update owner when activity is marked as done


Let’s suppose we have 2 users, A and B.
When A creates an activity through dashboard, the Pipedrive sets him/her as owner of this activity.
But this activity will be done by the user B via our plataform. So when this activity is completed we update this activity setting done = true through API using the B’s API Key. However the activity owner remains the user A, showing that A as who completed it.

I believe the best behavior when setting an activity as done and ommiting the user_id is setting the owner as the authorized user.

When we developed the integration, there was not an endpoint to get the authorized user id, that’s why we don’t have this info now.

Can you help me with this issue?


Hey @ltomasi, so you’re wanting an activity’s Owner to change based on the User_ID that marks it as done?
If that’s the case, why don’t you update the user_id when changing the activity to done = true?

Or perhaps I’m missing something here?

Hello @David, thanks for your reply!

I think this is the solution from my side, however, when we developed the integration, there was not an endpoint to get the get current user data, like the user_id and company_domain, that’s why we don’t have this info.

So, will the solution be run a script to get these infos for all our user integrated with Pipedrive?

Yes, that sounds like it would work OK @Itomasi. Depending on how your integration is set up you could extract details of all users (using https://developers.pipedrive.com/docs/api/v1/#!/Users/get_users) and then use that to resolve the id of the user of interest, however it would be more efficient to use the “Get current user data” (https://developers.pipedrive.com/docs/api/v1/#!/Users/get_users_me) or “Find users by name” (https://developers.pipedrive.com/docs/api/v1/#!/Users/get_users_find) endpoint to look up the user id.

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