401 error Oauth 2 usign Power BI


I’m getting a 401 unauthorized access error when trying to get my bearer token from a power bi custom connector.

I’m building my query like this: https://oauth.pipedrive.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXX&state=234234234&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Foauth.powerbi.com%2Fviews%2Foauthredirect.html

Curious thing is:
— When making the request from Postman, Power BI, Python, etc, I get a 401 error,

—When making it directly from any browser, it workd and redirects me to login screen

Any help pleaaase!!!

Hey @gtacchini,

I looks like in Postman, Power BI, Python, etc, you’re missing the cookie header. If you add that it should work.

Thanks David, would you explain how can I specify the Cookie header and which cookie should I use?

Any news? I can’t solve this issue

It really depends on what you want to reach, but one way is to use the Networks tabs > request headers and copy those: