API in make.com - update custom lead field

I am attempting to make an API call from make.com to Pipedrive. I have already successfully used it to create a note to a lead, but I am running into issues updating a lead’s custom field.

He is a screenshot of what I am working with. No matter what I try, I keep getting 404 errors.

The URL is am using is: https://guidedimports.pipedrive.com/api/v1/leads/{lead ID}

Method: Patch (but I also attempted with Post)

Key; Content-Type
Value; application/json

Query String:
Key; api_token
Value; (this is my personal API token)


This is the 404 error I am getting:

Method should be PUT?

@paulieweb POST, PUT, and PATCH all gave the same 404 error.

Hey, Keybo
You don’t need to add the API token to the Query string as you have already connected with make.com to your Pipedrive instance

UPDATE: You need to use the PATCH method (that was correct)

Here is what works in my case

this worked perfectly! Thank you @Andrei_Panciuc :gift:

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