Hello, I am working with a client who wishes to change some of the functionality and views in Pipedrive which requires a developer.
They also wanted to integrate an appropriate app via API to create a single web view of activity rather than use the contacts timeline. Other API integrations are also required with a.Companies House, which has an API, https://developer.company-information.service.gov.uk/ and b.PitchBook which I believe can be integrated via Tray.ai.
Below are the change requests that will likely require a developer:
- Email Views - can we remove the ability to expand emails and just show the heading/first line for confidentiality reasons.
- Related Organisations - can we adjust how these are linked and view this information in deals rather than organisations only
- Can we avoid pressing save when entering information in fields
- Can we have the interface set for all users at company setting level
- Can we widen the details section of the deals
- Can we move smart data below related organisations
- Check if estimated close date field can be moved into show only from Pipeline Live WIP
- Can we change the Details Section in a deal field to read Project details
- Can we move smart data to be viewed at the bottom of the section
- Can we create automations to enable linking of data fields between deals
- Can we change the summary section of the deal to show key contact
Your guidance and advice is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Many thanks for your help.
Best wishes,