App actions buttons are not visible for other users in pipedrive

Hello, we’ve developed simple internal custom app and installed it to pipedrive, but app action button visible only admin users, other users (with regular rights) can’t see this button:

Seems there’s same topic in this community App Actions Dont Appear but question was unresolved

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Hi @Paul_Davidov,

Sorry for the delayed answer. Did all the regular users also install the app personally and even then the button did not appear?

I went ahead and enabled app extensions sharing for your app (a beta feature which you can read more about here). You can try re-installing the app with one of the admins and choose Shared app extensions visibility upon installation (after accepting the permissions) - this should make the buttons visible for all users in the company, including regular users (you can also try to uninstall the app for regular users).

Let me know if that works. If it doesn’t, we’ll investigate further.

Priit Parmann
Product Manager
Pipedrive Developer Platform