App Panel - Error to User

Is it possible to return an error to the App Panel that will be displayed to a user? For our actual example, I have an internal App Panel that looks up an organization in an internal system and returns data. In some cases, an Org in PD may not be in our internal systems. I’d like to give a message back to the user with some info as to why the panel can’t load.
Is this possible or should i just return a 404 error?

Hi @dombarnes,

Yes, it’s possible to return an error to the app panel that will be displayed to a user. For app panels, we allow you to show an interactive error state by returning a non-success status code (> 300 ) along with a title (required), subtitle (optional) and action (optional) in JSON format. You can find out more about it here.

I hope this helps? :slight_smile:

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