Automation flow edit by other admin from the same company

I am writing to ask to add the ability to allow other admin in the same company to edit the automation recipe that is usable to everyone. you can have a tag/lock to make sure only one is changing it.

The reason I am asking is that Sale team may not have the time/ability to build automation flow from ground up. Some IT can set the basic rule and sales come in and change from that.

Hey Eric,

This is in reference to the Workflow Automation feature?

Yes. Currently I think Workflow Automation doesn’t support this… Let me know if I am wrong

Thanks Eric,

I’ll get your feedback to the right people :+1:

I don’t think this made it to the right people, i see requests for this all over for years:

They say there were changes to make it “much more flexible” but if more than one user cant edit them, they arent usable by a coherent team and I have to use workarounds via API to automate actions for pipedrive, which severely reduces pipedrives value to the team I support.

I have to constantly fight with teammates to keep pipedrive at the center of flow because of this. Please address this missing functionality, at this point its well beyond feature request territory.