Bulk status change of deals


Is there an endpoint for changing status of multiple deals, for example, move multiple deals to “won”?


There’s no specific endpoint for bulk updating. Instead I would use the GET filter with your set parameters and then bulk update Deals via what fits these particular Deals (unless you’re just doing All Deals)

Thank you David.
I’m not sure, though, I understand exactly how to do that.
Assuming I know the deal ID’s, can you give an example how to move all of these deals to “won” in a single API call?

Faaaaar to long to reply, but you’re absolutely right.
It’s not possible to bulk action like this in a single CALL. With the number of developers growing who are using the API, I can more and more of a use for this to be a bulk endpoint.
So, there’s currently no immediate plans to change this, but we can add it to the roadmap.

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