Call Logs: No Update Resource Endpoint?

I have a question regarding the CallLogs RESTful API: Pipedrive API v1 Reference

My objective is to simply update a callLog resource via their ID. I can’t find a documented PUT or PATCH endpoint, can you verify if you really don’t have an endpoint for updating call logs? If so, may I know if there is a plan for having this in the future or is there a reason for not having one?

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Hi @jegramos
As you rightfully figured out, there is no update endpoint for that yet. Can you share the use case that you are trying to solve? Let me check if there are any alternative options for that

Imagine the user has logged a callLog through the API, but then after a time (may be 30s or 15 minutes) he/she decides to add or update its notes.

Is there still no possible way to achieve this using the aforementioned API?

It seems they can be updated using activities endpoint. See: updateActivity