Country not being added to Person

Hello. I have some very simple json to update the country on a person as shown below. A PUT does not update the country (other fields update). Anyone know what gives? I’ve tried using “address” also, nothing seems to work.

“id”: 5606,
“first_name”: “First”,
“last_name”: “Last”,
“address_country”: “USA”

I’m actually the full country “Unit… States” but this site doesn’t allow the first word? Strange.

Note that I’ve also tried using “address”, “address_city”, state, etc. It seems to be totally broken. Might be related to the geocoding, and if so, anyone know how to turn that off? Thanks.

Hey , i can’t find those fields on my own person’s view, are those default or custom fields ?

Thank you for the quick reply youssef. When I fetch a person those fields are in the json so I’m assuming they’re built-in?

When I fetch I see these
address - (seems to be a fully formatted address)

Hey, I’ve asked around and i was informed that people don’t have address fields. only organisations do. People entities have postal_address. but There is the linked org entity that is returned when you request for people. This linked org has an address field. could it be that the address is an org address ?

Hi Youssef. One of our partners helped me figure it out. Shocking that this solution isn’t documented somewhere. In order to make this work you have to use the custom field(s) on the contact address record. Once you do that the contact address will accept the addresses correctly and/or geocode them properly. First screen grab is adding an address with the custom field (instead of “address”) and the second screen grab is what Pipedrive returns after saving.