Creating a filter throught javascript API

Not sure why this code doesn´t work when I use the API with javascript. It works fine when I put that same body in a request from the API documentation. Anybody has an answer? Thanks.

const response = await pipedrive.FiltersController.addANewFilter({
“name”: “prueba”,
“conditions”: {
“glue”: “and”,
“conditions”: [{
“glue”: “and”,
“conditions”: [{
“object”: “person”,
“field_id”: “9104”
“operator”: “=”,
“value”: “Hola”,
“extra_value”: null
“glue”: “or”,
“conditions”: []
“type”: “people”
} catch (error) {

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Can you raise an issue here GitHub - pipedrive/client-nodejs: Pipedrive API client for NodeJS ?
I will also have it forwarded to the platform team.