I have a query that can you guide me how CTI and CRM will communicate to each other in Pipedrive phone solution.I have developed app like AirCall and Toky etc in phone solution category but need some guidence to communication between Computer telephony integration and CRM in PIPEDRIVE phone solution.
Any idea ??
Unfortunately, the question is a bit too general to be able to provide an exact answer and don’t have any documentation specifically on CTI-to-CRM integrations.
As far as communicating to each other, this would all be done via the API, as we have endpoints for all the phone actions.
As what AirCall and Toky have done, you would likely need to create a Chrome Extension to be able to work with the PD UI.
Hi DavidLorbiecke,
I am testing API Perform a search using a specific field value, I want to find deal for a specific phone number, in which field header i have to pass phone number, What are the rest of fields should be for this API call?
term = the phone number
field_type = dealField (if this is where you’re adding the phone number in PD, usually it’s under Person)
field_key = You can find your field Key via the GET method for dealFields
return_item_ids = Have this marked as ‘1’ to make sure you get back the Deal ID