dealFields data mandatory_flag should be boolean?

Mandatory flag data value
found unconsistent across all deal files api

“mandatory_flag”: true

   "mandatory_flag": {
            "person_id": "<=0"


“mandatory_flag”: {
“status”: “=lost”
“bulk_edit_allowed_conditions”: {
“status”: “=lost”

Hello @bidyut.kalita1!

Indeed in some dealFields responses the mandatory_flag field is not true/false.

If there is no person attached to the deal, then organization is mandatory:
mandatory_flag: "{org_id: '<=0'}"
When there’s no organization attached to the deal, then person is mandatory:
mandatory_flag: "{person_id: '<=0'}"

The below example is returned in the case of a “Lost reason” dealField:

"mandatory_flag": {
"status": "=lost"

Do let us know in case of further questions! :slight_smile: