Deals reporting modifications in /merges endpoint

We’re trying to figure out how to prevent skewing the reports when merging deals. Seems that the merge endpoint updates the deal to show the stage change was done by the user logged into our integration. This also appears to change the user to won/lost the deal. When, actually, we want to keep the original sales person instead of switching it to the user using our integration.

Hey Clinton, I’m trying to figure out what might be possible as workaround for this.
The Owner of the Deal isn’t actually changing right? Just the actions done to the Deal say it’s being done by the User using the integration?

Thanks for the response! Actually the owner sometimes changes as well due to the multiple sales people handling the deal. But this isn’t really a problem from what I understand.

And yes to your second question. The biggest issue is the deal changing stages(and possibly status). If I’m not mistaken, the owner who changes the status or stage gets credited for the deal win or stage conversion, am I right?

The idea is to keep the last person who changed the stage so that the user using Dedupely isn’t credited in the reports dashboard.

In the API I don’t currently see a way to handle the relation between the reports and deals. If you can find a solution for this I can make it part of the integration.

Thanks for the help so far.

This is getting quite urgent for my client. I need to know fairly soon if this is possible to handle. Thanks.

Sorry for the delay Clinton, let me get to this, you wrote

If I’m not mistaken, the owner who changes the status or stage gets credited for the deal win or stage conversion, am I right?

No, it shouldn’t work this way, whoever is the Owner of the Deal should still get the credit for the deal win and conversion. It will only say within the Details page of the Deal that a different person, actually moved the Deal Status/Stage, but in Statistics it will remain with the original Owner

Thanks! I figure it out last night. Thanks again for the reply and the help.