Documentation updates for API Reference page - Jan 2022

Effective from: January 28, 2022

Here are the most recent updates to our API Reference page :

1. We added required labels to reflect reality for the POST /organizationRelationships endpoint.

2. We updated the response status code from 200 “OK” to 201 “Created” to reflect reality for the following 3 endpoints:

3. We added leadField to field_type parameter value options for the GET /itemSearch/field endpoint.

4. We updated the response structure to reflect reality for the GET /subscriptions/find/{dealId} endpoint.

Previously, the response was documented as: response -> recurring -> value -> data -> id . In reality, the structure is: response -> data -> id .

Here’s the code example of the correct response structure:

   "success": true,
   "data": {
      "id": 21,
      "user_id": 10382754,
      "deal_id": 1121,
      "is_active": true,
      "cycle_amount": 100.3,
      "cycles_count": 15,
      "infinite": true,
      "currency": "USD",
      "start_date": "2020-10-20",
      "end_date": "2022-01-20",
      "description": "pizza delivery",
      "add_time": "2020-07-07 08:32:57",
      "update_time": "2020-07-07 08:32:57",
      "lifetime_value": 1504.5,
      "cadence_type": "monthly",
      "final_status": null

See more about recent changes announced in our Changelog!

I noticed recently that while undocumented, the POST to /deals does take a pipeline_id field to create a deal in a specific pipeline. Is this in documentation an oversight or unsupported (but working).

Hey @dombarnes
Welcome to the community :wave:

Using pipeline_id with the POST /deals endpoint will add a new deal, by default, to the first stage of the supplied pipeline. Since this parameter does not allow to choose a stage, we recommend using and have documented the stage_id parameter, because it allows to add the new deal to a specific stage in a specific pipeline.

Please note that stage_id and pipeline_id should not be used together, because pipeline_id will be ignored.

We totally see how using pipeline_id can be intuitive, so we’ll be taking your feedback up for discussion! :slight_smile:

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