Email and Phone for Person being displayed as [object Object]


I am using the node js client to send data to pipedrive, I am getting success response messages when sending the persons payload via addPersons(). The problem i am running into is when viewing the data in Pipedrive under Contacts → People, the name and owner are being displayed properly but under the email and phone the data is being shown as [object Object]. The api requires that the email and phone be sent as an Array with objects of type BasePersonItemEmail & BasePersonItemPhone (respectively).


Screen Shot 2021-12-01 at 6.14.44 PM

Pipedrive Dashboard:

Has anyone else run into this issue?

Hey @northwoods
Welcome to the community :wave:
Thanks for sharing the screenshots and response. Are you sure that the properties and are strings? :thinking:

I see that the payload has been constructed properly but I suspect if it could be due to us passing an object accidentally?