"error": "Scope and URL mismatch" on all requests

Hi, I’m obtaining the access_token successfully via https://oauth.pipedrive.com/oauth/token and it returns the following:

“access_token”: “[token]”,
“token_type”: “Bearer”,
“expires_in”: 3599,
“refresh_token”: “[token]”,
“scope”: “deals:full,activities:read,contacts:full,search:read,mail:read,admin,users:read,base”

When I use that access token (via header Authorization: Bearer [access_token]) at https://api-proxy.pipedrive.com/v1/users/me or any other API endpoint, I get this response, with http response code 403:

“success”: false,
“error”: “Scope and URL mismatch”

Can you help me understand what I’m doing wrong? It looks like I should have the necessary scope, no?

Nevermind, I think I see the issue. The /v1 is not needed.

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