"Failed to add users" via API

I have an issue with creating new users via API:

I’ve tried a few Pipedrive accounts, and there is the same problem.

Hello @Taras_Sachavskyi1, welcome to the community!

Is the api token the correct one for the company domain in the url?

Hey @Edmilson_Souza! Yes, it is. I also tried this request on another Pipedrive account (with a different API token of course). There is the same problem.

@Edmilson_Souza any ideas?

Can you share via primate message your company ID? My colleague would like to check something, this could be related to user seats quota.

Thanks @Taras_Sachavskyi1! I checked with a colleague, the reason is that sandbox accounts are limited to 5 seats by default, when you try to add more the API will block.

@Edmilson_Souza but I’ve already had 9 users on this sandbox.
And this error was not just on sandbox accounts.

@Edmilson_Souza If you said that this error is about users limit, can you change the error to something more specific? Instead of:

    "success": false,
    "error": "Failed to add users",
    "error_info": "Please check developers.pipedrive.com for more information about Pipedrive API.",
    "data": null,
    "additional_data": null