Find subscriptions by Deal ID using

I tried to get subscriptions via endpoint: “GET /subscriptions/find/{id}” but I got 404 Not found error via OAuth. The url I called:{deal_id}.

When I switched to use API token and test it (request url:{deal_id}?api_token=XXX), I got the response.

It looks to me that the api-proxy doesn’t work for the subscription endpoint. Any suggestions?

Hi @C_Cao

api-proxy subdomain was deprecated quite some time ago, and might not work for all Pipedrive API endpoints. Could you point me in docs where you found this? So we could update docs.

Meantime, you can call Pipedrive API, as

https://<company-domain><method> - preferable<method> - alternative

Both should work with API token and OAuth access tokens.

@mykhailo Thanks for the response. It seems like we didn’t have our code up to date but we didn’t get any news or warning previously. Where you normally put those release/warning notice?

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@C_Cao usually these kinds of changes are reflected in Changelog. But in this particular case, the idea was that newly created apps would already use a new way of calling API (as it’s already mentioned in the docs), and already existing apps would switch to a new way after this post, but I agree, this wasn’t very clear and should be improved next time.

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Thanks for the information.