Get All Deals from API

Hi Team,

Please be informed that we are using Get all deals API to get all the deals from the API, but this API is not returning all the deals information.

API :****

The above API is returning the result from deal ID 1 to 561

However if I am calling the below API, I am getting the deal information which I did not get from the above API.****

Please suggest.!!

Hi Team, Any Update on this?

Hi @Shubham_Agarwal

Max page size (or limit) is 500. If you would like to get Deals after 500 you will need to you use start in query params (Pipedrive API v1 Reference).

More info about pagination is here Pagination

HI @mykhailo

Thanks for your response.

Could you please suggest the exact API URL which we can use to fetch all the deals details in 1 batch…

Hi @Shubham_Agarwal

There is no such API that will return all Deals in one API call. You will need to use pagination.

Hi @mykhailo

Okay, Thanks for your quick response.

So Do we need to call the API multiple times with below parameters?


If yes, then how do we know how many times we need to call the API to get the complete data?

more_items_in_collection from the pagination response should help you.

Hello everyone, it this the same format to use with the Odata connector in powerBI? I’m getting an “Unable to connect” error message when I follow Shubham’s format. It also says “The given URL neither points to an Odata service or a feed”. Any suggestions?

Hello @Shubham_Agarwal,

Is it possible to use it with the Stage API Call ?

I guess there is a limitation to 100 in this case.