Get all deals with Filter

I’m using a filter to get all deals updated today and yesterday. For one client, using this filter, it returns more than 9000 records. This happens only with this particular client. It is possible to modify 9000 in two days? This takes a long time to synchronize de deals from the client.
With others client, the filter works or at least get a “normal” quantity of records.
Any tips?

Hi @victorpy, while unusual, it is indeed possible for a company to have that number of deals updated in one day. For example, in cases were they have an active integration that modifies a large amount of data. If this is not an every day occurrence but sporadic, it may also be explained by a possible data import or maybe the syncing of one or more new email accounts, since the initial sync may involve many emails that may update deals too.

However, if you are worried that something may be wrong you can always ask the company to reach out to us to and we can certainly investigate further.

Hello Diego. Thanks for the answer.
We experience this issue with some clients, but with others we don’t. We double check that a filter is created to look for persons and deals updated in the last two days, but in some clients it always returns all the persons and all the deals. What could be happening? Maybe the filter is not created correctly in some cases?

That is tough to really say without seeing the filter conditions.

If you’re okay with sharing them here - can you post a screenshot of them? Maybe I can catch an issue?

sure. This is the filter in JSON

"conditions": {
"glue": "and",
"conditions": [
"glue": "and",
"conditions": [],
"glue": "or",
"conditions": [
"object": "deal",
"field_id": "12445",
"operator": "=",
"value": "today",
"extra_value": null
"object": "deal",
"field_id": "12445",
"operator": "=",
"value": "yesterday",
"extra_value": null

This is the Persons JSON Filter

"conditions": {
"glue": "and",
"conditions": [
"glue": "and",
"conditions": [],
"glue": "or",
"conditions": [
"object": "person",
"field_id": "9022",
"operator": "=",
"value": "today",
"extra_value": null
"object": "person",
"field_id": "9022",
"operator": "=",
"value": "yesterday",
"extra_value": null

Hey! (sorry for the wait).
I noticed you’ve got the filter conditions under ‘or’ and not ‘and’ so it’s only requiring the filter to match on 1 of the conditions marked. If you add it under ‘and’ the filter should work as desired (it might help experimenting in-app to see exactly how it performs).