Get deals associated to deleted products

I’d like to pull in deleted products and their associated deals. Is it possible? I didn’t find anything related on the docs

Thank you in advance,

Hi @Ailen_Munoz
Once a product is deleted, it no longer appears in the Get All Products endpoint. However, a deactivated product still appears (selectable flag becomes false).

If you know the ID of this specific product, you can still access them via the API

The product would also be accessible in product.

What’s the scenario/use case?

So, just to clarify, is there a way to fetch deactivated products through the API without specifying the id beforehand? I hit the products endpoint but it just bring items with selectable=true fields


Hi @Ailen_Munoz
You can. For instance if I query /products endpoint, I see even deactivated products with selectable flag set to false
