Getting deleted deals with filter id


Is it possible to get deleted deals based on a filter?

I’m getting the most recently updated deals based on a filter id, using: DESC&api_token=

I also need to remove deleted deals, but as it’s not possible to get both deleted and non-deleted deals in one go, I tried DESC&api_token=

But the result is empty.
My filter is:
Deal -> Deal created -> is exactly or later than -> 01/01/2018
Deal -> Pipeline -> IS -> [PipelineName]

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hey @Troels_Gorm_Rasmussen,

This is kind of a tricky aspect here because even though you add status=deleted into the string, once a filter is added, the results won’t show any Deleted deals unless the filter itself has the Deal -> Status -> is -> Deleted included as a parameter.

For now, this is the only way you’ll be able to get Deleted deals to show as results (when a filter is added), but I’ll speak to our developers to see if we can make changes on this.

Alright, then it’s not just me being blind :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick reply, I will work around it for now.

I could do a workaround, being able to use the filter with the status=[] parameter, by adding
Deal -> Status -> is -> Deleted
Deal -> Status -> is -> Won
Deal -> Status -> is -> Open
Deal -> Status -> is -> Lost

In the ideal world, you should be able to ignore the status parameter and let the filter decide. I guess that was the thought behind “all_non_deleted”, but what i need is an “all” option.

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Option “all” would be great.