I feel I must have overlooked some documentation somewhere

Ok, so I want to develop a private app for our company on pipedrive.
Sandbox account check. marketplacemanager found.
Read the OAuth2 api docs.

I have 2 basic questions that I can’t find answers to anywhere in the documentation.

  1. What language am I writing this ‘app’ in? javascript, electron? react? php?

  2. Given for public apps there seems to be a ‘review’ process, surely the code for the app can’t be externally hosted, otherwise whats to stop the backend code from being changed after a review has been passed? But I can’t find any mention of a 'and this is where you upload your (eg) javascript source files to…

I can’t find any ‘example’ app template to download as zip or on github to use as a starting point that’d be nice as well.

Please will someone tell me what I’m missing and point me at the right documentation page if it exists…
The docs page here seems to be missing key bits of info on how to actually create the app.

Hi @n10101,

Let me try to answer your 2 questions

  1. What language am I writing this ‘app’ in? javascript, electron? react? php?

The language you write your app in is completely up to you. We have official API Clients on GitHub for Javascript & PHP. There’s also community developed ones for Python, .NET, Ruby, and another for PHP.

  1. Given for public apps there seems to be a ‘review’ process, surely the code for the app can’t be externally hosted, otherwise whats to stop the backend code from being changed after a review has been passed? But I can’t find any mention of a 'and this is where you upload your (eg) javascript source files to…

Yes, the code is hosted externally. The backend code could be changed, but the apps are regularly checked on (if public) as well as customers who can leave reviews if the app is unsatisfactory.

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Thanks for the info and clarifications. The links to your github samples should be a good starting point.

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