Integrating Mondaq API to Pipedrive

We wish to explore the possibility of integrating an API with our Pipedrive CRM system and to discuss the feasibility, pricing and potential timeframes for such an integration.

The Mondaq API facilitates the integration of Mondaq’s data— the contact details of readers engaging with our articles on the Mondaq platform—into our Pipedrive database.

I have these documents from Mondaq that offer insights into how their API functions and the type of data it retrieves. Reviewing these documents should provide anyone with a comprehensive understanding of Mondaq’s feed mechanism.

• The API Setup Text explains how to set the API feed up and call the data, it is a fairly standard HTTPS REST API which returns JSON files.
• The .ZIP file contains a JSON file which has come directly from the API so is in the exact format that you would receive data from the API were you to call it
• The Excel file outlines how the data within the JSON file is structured and when it comes to integrating could be quite useful as a guide.

Let me know if you think this is a possible integration or if you are able to help, thanks!