Lead API / Orgnanzion Last Updated

Hi all ,

I wondering if anybody has a quick workaround for the Lead / Orgnanzion API Call

I am trying to return Leads / Orgnanzions rows that have been uploaded in the last 5 minutes (eg last updated) from a single field

As the Lead / Orgnanzion API returns every row and I don’t see a parameter or filter where I can retrieve the last updated records only,

(I guess the sort order = update_time would be the key here)
however, it would be nice to have Just filter everything so we just have the last updated rows only

At present, I am retrieving every row and then sorting backwards and then extracting the rows that have the time 5 mins in past to the current time

Many thanks,

Could this be added as a features parameter in the leads table and also the organisation endpoints as it would be a good idea to reduce the amount of data that would have a potential impact on the CRM platform

hey! the “Get all Organisations” endpoint has the filter_id as a query parameter. Meaning that you can create a filter in Pipedrive and include the id of this filter in the request. Although this is not an exact workaround, because the filter doesn’t have options as 5 min ago - only “Today”, but (theoretically) you’ll have fewer entries to filter out.

You have the same in the Get all Leads endpoint.