Looking for someone for Power BI integration from Pipedrive (Solved)


I am looking for a solution for importing my Pipedrive data into Power BI.

If you have solutions for this, please contact me, and hopefully we can come to an agreement.

(Solved) Thank you all.

Hi Kjellke
How you solved This?

Hi Kjellke,

we are also a heavy power bi user and we are looking on ways to integrate power bi with pipedrive. How did you manage to do this?

Hi Kjellke / phebby,
We have done this integrating a Google G Suite sheet using Google App Scripts and PowerBI reports creating using this data. PowerBI is automatically refreshed every hour.
Please let me know if you need more details.

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Please tell me how you have done it!!


You can try this:

for a direct connection.

Thank you

Hi davser,
Do you have a script for power BI, that gets all the tables from pipedrive, such as deals, contacts, products etc? So i can just post it into an empty query in advanced editor and write my API token?

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I explained it in this video, hope it helps :slight_smile: Connect Power BI to Pipedrive API - YouTube

If you want a simple scriptless option consider Flatly. https://flatly.io/integrations/pipedrive

Flatly syncs Pipedrive to 10+ data destinations including OneDrive and Azure.

(Disclaimer - I work at Flatly).