Marketplace install app flow

Hi, I just wanted to give feedback about pipedrive marketplace flow - we are building an app designed to pipedrive and we of course want to use the opportunity to be placed on marketplace.

However, the authorisation process differs as the user is considering the app and is not registered yet. So first, pipedrive asks for authorisation and then redirects user to sign up page. But that carries a lot of issues, such as matching userid to new account, potentially dealing with situation, that user is not signing up after authorisation.

I think, it might be improved and the process could be set in another way - redirect to sign up to the app, then direct authorisation.

Hey @Martin_Pecha,

Thanks for your feedback here, you make a lot of good points. I think the problem may be in building the redirect after the sign-up (as this would then be another step for 3rd party developers), but I’ll share it with our team to see what they think.