Hi My Name is Ahad. i’m developing an app in pipedrive but i am stuck in this topic, how to figure out custom floating window.
jwt token must be used as Oauth in iframe request or it’s optional.
i have a live app and hosted domain also i create a route for iframe content. but my question is when i initialize sdk it will open it or there is some more validations. plz provide me a code example or info
any little info will be helpful. thanks for read it.
thanks for your response but, now i show custom floating window with html file and sdk.
my next step is to show it with out cdn. mean i need to show it with npm-package. for this flow will be same?
The library you will use with NPM is available in the pipedrive tutorial. There is also a sample floating window application in the tutorial. You can review these. If you want, you can also show it with SDK and HTML. JWT is not required. You will only write your application with the SDK, so some features work differently than the npm package. You need to pay attention to these. If you wish, you can contact me at muhammedfener97@gmail.com. If you contact me, I can show you some of the code of a sample application I made with SDK and HTML.