Organizations search by name not working

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to search for organizations name to get their ID and while my request is successful, the output is completely different from what’s in the docs. For one, the items is completely lacking from the response.

The request I’m doing is the following: https://{organizationname}{term}?api_token={api_token}

The output I’m getting is something that starts with the following in the body:

<!DOCTYPE html>
					<html translate="no" lang=en-GB>
						<head><!--remix-island-start--><meta charSet="utf-8"/><title>Pipedrive</title><meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/>

Any help would be incredibly appreciated.

It looks like you are missing /api from the path. Please try using this:

You can check out more about the URL naming here: Requests

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Thank you! Indeed that seemed to be the issue.

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