Pagination Considerations

Why pagination?

Pagination limits the amount of data that you can get in a single call. Rather than obtaining the entire collection/list items in bulk, one can retrieve them in a page-wise manner. This is to avoid excessive load for the product and also for the consuming client.

How do I know if the responses are paginated?

Most of the lists/item collections are paginated. Within the response’s additional_data object, a pagination object will be set upon pagination. The additional_data.pagination will contain the given start and limit, as well as the more_items_in_collection flag, indicating whether there are more items that can be fetched after the current batch.

How can I retrieve data by pages?

The parameters that control the pagination are start and limit, indicating the desired offset and the items per page values.

Within the response’s additional_data object, a pagination object will be set upon pagination. When there is more data, next_start will also be set which can be used for the next offset pointer.

What’s the maximum number of items that i can get in one call?

The maximum limit value is 500.

Refer the documentation & the tutorial for more details

Rate limit considerations

It is advised to take rate-limiting into account if you are fetching all items at once by following the pages. If not, it will result in rate-limit errors.