Pipedrive update organization field with special characters

When I update an organization field with special characters pipedrive changes the value.

For example, when I try to save this value:

What I see in pipedrive is this value:

As you can see it removes the β€œ%10” even tho this is just a plain text varchar.

Why? what can I do to fix it?

%10 is a ACIII encoded character, but I’m not quite sure why we’re stripping it.
I’m asking our team to see if this is a bug.

oki, can you please tell me what you know and when can we fix this? its actually a critical thing for us right now, if the data in pipedrive is wrong we cant use it at all…

Hi Androitz,

Could you tell me what tool you use to make your requests?

Hi David,

This is the documentation I follow to code my requests:


For this specific scenario is actually very simple, I made a curl request which in my side look like this:


In data I have a raw array with all my customfields to update.

Thanks in advance

All the best

Hi David,

I want to contact with you just so you dont spend your time trying to solve this issue. I just managed to make it work, I did it by sending the data using a json format instead of a raw data.

Thanks for your time

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Thanks for letting me know!
I will investigate this a little more, but I’m glad to now it now works for you.