Possible Bug on Goals endpoint

I believe that there is a bug in Goals endpoint, since it’s a new endpoint i’m here to report the two thing i’ve seen is happening on it. First is that I can’t use this endpoint through the url with my company name, it gives me “Internal Server Error”. It only works when I’m using the url “https://api.pipedrive.com/v1/goals”. Another possible bug is that, when I have a goal that works weekly, if I request the result of the goal using the whole month, the target value returned to me is the sum of the target that happens weekly transformed to a month value, example, if my target is 40 calls a week, if i request the target to the whole month, it returns 177. BUT, the progress part of the response is not transformed to a monthly value. the same resquest that returns as target 177 (the month value of the target), returns 1 as progress (the weekly value of progress). That way the values becomes diferent in my analyses then the values in your progress panel inside pipedrive.

Thank you for reporting this @trosemberg.

I’ll ask our team to take a look.

Thanks @David, actually, i notice that the progress comes always as 0 when it’s set to weekly and we try to catch a different period than that.

Hi @trosemberg,

Could you PM the company ID from the account you’re using?

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@David, I’he already PM you guys the company ID, is there some feedback about the bug?

[replied to the issue in PM]