Read contact information via person/{id} API


I am currently working on an integration from the Pipedrive development space. I have integrated OAuth into my application, but once my user is logged in, I want to read a contact’s information and display it in a JSON modal. (Once connected, I tried storing the token in the session, but it doesn’t work). The issue is that I don’t see how to proceed, considering that each account does not have the same API token in Pipedrive.

Hi @Romain!

A few tips about this one:

  • With your app open in Developer Hub, check in OAuth & access scopes if the permission to access Contacts is enabled (more about scopes here)
  • Check if you are sending the request to the API endpoint with the correct Authorization header
  • Keep in mind also that access tokens expire and need to be refreshed, more about authorization here

If you may also consider using one of the SDKs, they will make your life easier in some aspects:

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