Removal of the /*/find, /searchResults, and /searchResults/field endpoints, replaced by 6 new endpoints

Effective from March 31, 2021


We have now deprecated and will be removing the following 6 endpoints:

  1. GET /deals/find - Searches all deals by their title
  2. GET /persons/find - Searches all persons by their name
  3. GET /organizations/find - Searches all organizations by their name
  4. GET /products/find - Returns data about the products that were found.
  5. GET /searchResults - Searches all items or 1 item by all fields
  6. GET /searchResults/field - searches 1 item type by 1 field

We have also added the following 6 endpoints which provide better functionality for Search:

Who is affected?

Anyone depending on the previously listed 6 deprecated endpoints in any way is affected. In case you are using the previously listed 6 deprecated API endpoints in your code or 3rd party app/integration, please remove any dependency on these endpoints as soon as possible, or by March 31, 2021 the latest. For additional help, check out new search API migration guide.

Read more about the change here!


@Elina just to be 100% sure, this doesn’t impact the GET /users/find endpoint, correct?

@Keegan_Morrison No worries. This endpoint won’t be affected.