Send email or phone in the AddPerson


When adding a new person using [AddPerson]( api, I send the array of phone numbers like below:

 "email": [
     "value": "",
     "primary": true,
     "label": "personal"

Unfortunately, the result is wrong when retrieving that person:

"email": [
        "label": "",
        "value": "[  {"value": "", "primary": true, "label": "personal"} ]",
         "primary": true

How should I send the phone or email arrays?

Hi @Ehsan
Welcome to the community :wave: That’s quite strange.
Can you share the following details?

  • How is the request being made? Is it via code / API client like Postman? Can you share the snippet or header + body details in that case?
  • I see that the payload is being constructed the right way. Are you sure that it’s not getting stringified incorrectly before sending the request?

Let me know if you can try it out successfully using the public Postman collection