Is that possible to get details about when a Deal has been moved to from which stage to which stage, with a timestamp? Right now I’m seeing in Deals updates there’s something like that, but unfortunately it’s full text, so I can’t get the id of the stage.
Right now for the first time I’m trying to get all the deals, and fetch their stage information, including the information they are deleted or not. Then creating a webhook about any stage updates, so there I’m tracking the stage ids by myself. Since it’s crucial for us to get this data, we chose to do it with that way. But we can’t get the historical data. We’re building an app for the clients, and Pipedrive is one of our biggest integration in there.
thx for that. This works fine for deals where stages have changed in the past. For completely new deals I request the “/deals/{id}/flow” - view
"related_objects": {
“deal”: {
“298”: {
“id”: 298,
“stage_id”: 3,
For some reason “related_objects” is not available in very rare cases (like 1 / 100 deals), so I can’t request the entry stage of the deal. Do you have any explanation for this?
I need to get the stage changes (with date and stage id) for all my deals but I just can get for one deal (with the deal id). How I can get for all deals?
Unfortunately there’s not an endpoint that can get you these results on a bulk scale (for all deals), but it’s a good idea for the future. I’ll keep this dog-eared.
For this purpose you mentioned, I’m using the Recents endpoint with items=deal.…&start=0&items=deal&api_token=…
This gets an object with the current_stage and stage_change_date. It worked for me in some cases.
I’m just learning this kind of request and am having a difficult time integrating Pipedrive and Klipfolio.
Anyone knows how to get a timestamp like Date.StartOfWeek (this returns just a date and the timestamp needs a datetime)?
I tried{Date.StartOfWeek.Format(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)}&start=0&api_token=… but it didn’t work.