I am experiencing an issue with my webhook setup. The error message I am receiving states:
The URL in question is:
This URL was functioning correctly previously, and I have confirmed that it is currently accessible. Here are some details regarding the situation:
Testing the URL: I have tested the URL in a web browser, and it returns a valid response.
SSL Certificate: The SSL certificate for the domain is valid and properly configured.
Recent Changes: There have been no recent changes to the server or the URL configuration.
When I attempt to add the webhook using the following code, I receive the error:
const api = new pipedrive.WebhooksApi(this.defaultClient);
let opts = pipedrive.AddWebhookRequest.constructFromObject({
subscription_url: "https://" + this.company + ".app.sloif.dk",
event_action: "*",
event_object: "*",
const addWebhookRes = await api.addWebhook(opts);
The error returned is:
{"success":false,"message":"Bad Request","errorCode":400,"context":{"req":{"method":"POST","url":"https://xray-willow-1885.pipedrive.com/v1/webhooks?api_token=YOUR_API_TOKEN","data":{"subscription_url":"https://xray-willow-1885.app.sloif.dk","event_action":"*","event_object":"*"},"headers":{"user-agent":"Pipedrive-SDK-Javascript-18.1.4","content-type":"application/json","accept":"application/json"}},"status":400,"text":"{\"success\":false,\"status\":\"error\",\"code\":\"VALIDATION_FAILED\",\"message\":\"Validation failed\",\"errors\":{\"subscription_url\":[\"Subscription url invalid or non-reachable URL\"]}}"}}