Unable to add a note


We need to create a deal and note into Pipedrive account of our client. However, for a specific user, we succeed in creating the deal but got an error when trying to create the note related to this deal:
Status: 400 Bad Request
{"success":false,"error":"Note could not be saved. Check your request.","error_info":"Acesse developers.pipedrive.com para mais informações sobre a API do Pipedrive.","data":null,"additional_data":null}

The json that we are trying to submit is:
{ "content": "<strong>Url:</strong> https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxleads/c7YVvrtRb0OawdbdBcZbpuSx9dm1awHy4rHs5ZsmiaM<br /><strong>Data de ganho:</strong> 25/06/2018<br /><strong>Prospector:</strong> xxxxxx<br /><strong>Empresa:</strong> xxxxxxx<br /><strong>Nome:</strong> xxxxxxxx<br /><strong>Cargo:</strong> <em>xxxxxxx</em><br /><strong>LinkedIn:</strong> <em>xxxxxxxx</em><br /><strong>Site:</strong> <em>xxxxxxx</em><br /><strong>Facebook:</strong> https://www.facebook.com/pg/xxxxxxxxxxxx/about/?ref=page_internal<br /><strong>Twitter:</strong> <em>N&atilde;o informado</em><br /><strong>Segmento:</strong> xxxxxxxxxx<br /><br /><strong>Notas do prospector</strong><br />xxxx<br />\nDesde xxxxx<br />\nxxxxxx e xxxxx<br />\nxxxxx e xxxxxx, xxxxxx e xxxxx<br />\nxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx, x xxxxxx x R$ 2000,00, xxx x xxxx xx xxxxx, xxxxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxx!<br />\n19 00000 0000<br />\n ", "deal_id": 4424, "person_id": null, "org_id": null, "pinned_to_deal_flag": 1, "pinned_to_person_flag": 0, "pinned_to_organization_flag": 0 }

When I make this request using the API Reference I got success.

Any ideas?


I tested this without any error on my side.
Is it specifically only for this User? You can POST the note through another User?