Unable to assign deal to existing person


Hoping someone can help. I have a contact form that creates a person and a deal assigned to that person. In order to prevent duplicate ‘person’ we search by email to return an ID (this part works returning IDs)

If a contact does not exist we create a new person, if a contact does exist we use this ID to create a new deal and assign that deal to the exsiting person. However, something isn’t working and we create new person contacts everytime resulting in duplicates

Heres a snippit

Any help would be appreciated

Hello Gwilym!

It seems like your if blocks are ordered slightly incorrectly. Currently, if getPersonByEmail() returns a person successfully you skip the whole deal creation if block. I would recommend moving that part of code where you assemble the $data and make the actual request out of the wrapping if block as seen on the picture.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Ruudi,

I’ve forwarded that to my devolopers and he replied:

He is correct it will skip the creation, this is by design.

If the ‘return false’ is hit at the bottom of that code block we run a while different workflow.

Honestly, im not sure what he means by this though

Hmm, I think I should better understand what this piece of code is meant to do in order to give any good recommendations on how to change the code. So a couple of clarifying questions.

  1. If you do find an existing person do you want to exit this code and handle that flow in some other file?
  2. What is the value of $person_response in the case you use an existing email and in the case where you use a new email?

I’m not the developer so can only answer to the best of my ability but…

  1. If we find an existing person we want to assign the deal information collected to the existing person.
  2. Unsure, and have asked. But when we have a new email address we want to create a new person and assign the deal information to this person.

It seems pretty straightforward to me and the API endpoints work when I try them manually, no idea whats stopping it working properly.

Maybe the developer could also comment on these issues?

  1. I understand that you want to assign the deal information collected to the existing person but it is vital to understand whether or not you want to do that in the code that you have provided. If not then the fault may not lay there.
  2. It is important to know the content of that variable as that will help me debug the code a bit better.
1 Like

Hey Ruudi,

I dropped you a message as I wasnt sure it was a good idea to share move code here in public.

Thanks once again

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Thanks for the code. Could you drop me the code for getPersonByEmail as well?

Hi again, just sent it over, although its pasted as a mess. Can you drop me a reply on the message?

class PipedriveHelper
protected $api_token;
protected $domain;
protected $headers = array(
‘Cache-Control: no-cache’,
‘Content-Type: application/json’,
public $org_id = 176;

public function getApiToken()
    return $this->api_token;

public function setApiToken($token)
    $this->api_token = $token;

    return $this;

public function getDomain()
    return $this->domain;

public function setDomain($domain)
    $this->domain = $domain;

    return $this;

public function getHeaders()
    return $this->headers;

public function setHeaders($headers)
    $this->headers = array_merge($this->headers, $headers);

    return $this;

public function __construct()
    $this->json = Loader::helper('json');
    // fd25a0ae1634cd114d1b8778cfb75a529b319035 // OLD API KEY

 * Main cURL function
 * @param       $url
 * @param       $method
 * @param       $payload
 * @param       $url_params
 * @param       $request_headers
 * @return      $response
 * @author      Lee Jones
 * @copyright   2020
private function request($url, $method, $payload = false, $url_params = array(), $request_headers = array())
    $curl_url   = 'https://' . $this->getDomain() . '.pipedrive.com/v1/' . $url . '?api_token=' . $this->getApiToken();

    foreach ($url_params as $key => $value) {
        $curl_url = $curl_url . '&' . $key . '=' . $value;

    $ch         = curl_init($curl_url);
    $this->curlSetopts($ch, $method, $payload, $request_headers);
    $result     = curl_exec($ch);
    $resp_code  = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    $headerLen  = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
    $response   = substr($result, $headerLen);
    $errno      = curl_errno($ch);
    $error      = curl_error($ch);

    return $response;

 * cURL Options
 * @param       $ch - cURL object
 * @param       $method - GET/POST/PUT/DELETE
 * @param       $payload - JSON payload
 * @param       $request_headers - custom request headers
 * @return      void
 * @author      Lee Jones
 * @copyright   2020
private function curlSetopts($ch, $method, $payload, $request_headers)
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
    if (!empty($request_headers)) {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $request_headers);

    if ($method == 'POST' && !empty($payload)) {
        if (is_array($payload)) {
            $payload = http_build_query($payload);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload);

    if ($method == 'PUT' && !empty($payload)) {
        if (is_array($payload)) {
            $payload = http_build_query($payload);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload);

 * Get Pipedrive person by email in the custom field
 * @param   $email
 * @return  string
public function getPersonByEmail($email)
    $params = array(
        'term'          => $email,
        'fields'        => 'email',
        'exact_match'   => true
    $response = $this->request('persons/search', 'GET', false, $params);
    return $response;

 * Generate Person Payload
 * @param object $customer
 * @param object|boolean $customer2
 * @param string|boolean $address
 * @param string|boolean $occupation
 * @param boolean $is_update
 * @return array
protected function generatePersonPayload($customer, $customer2 = false, $address = false, $occupation = false, $is_update)
    $payload = array(
        'name'  => $customer->getFirstName() . ' ' . $customer->getLastName(),
        'phone' => $customer->getTelephone(),
        '4cfaf12aabc5b6ce35a29dfd535bdaf2c924b5fc'  => ($customer->getGender() == 'M') ? 'Male' : 'Female', // gender
        '5f6c9adbdecfb3b250213b73289e2be1855f1a7c'  => $customer->getDob(), // dob
        '7912ca6c170674562983dee76ab5709fe912455e'  => ($customer->getSmoke() == 'N' ? 'No' : 'Yes'), // smoker
        '7b342b9df19dc958364156921ba14ca20db574c3'  => ($customer->getMedicalCondition() == 'N' ? 'No' : 'Yes'), // medical
        '7bc95b72183bda6a2d46a8331dbac1fc708589fc'  => $customer->getHeight(), // height
        'f40d5840aa6bdf779b9c2b047b92b7f7d5d065bc'  => $customer->getWeight(), // weight
        '1eaba4f5051f8dfd10d67f3aa7287afe91a5cd40'  => ($customer->getHighRisk() == 'N' ? 'No' : 'Yes') // high risk

    if (!$is_update) {
        $payload['email'] = $customer->getEmail();

    if ($address) {
        $payload['d6f0d515437c130bedd56fd1a9b8b467d1bd08b3'] = $address;

    if ($occupation) {
        $payload['99246b5fd81d2bcfab05b89a8086d826a49a15a4'] = $occupation;

    if ($customer2) {
        $payload['0b8fd351543da8df1d45ad2701f33f152f18937e'] = ($customer2) ? 'Yes' : 'No'; // has second life
        $payload['569b53dd1a7b887d26117dc6c6dc013502f61604'] = $customer2->getFirstName() . ' ' . $customer2->getLastName();
        $payload['a651654511899b0f1a3a7dc15784349446b5a5a2'] = ($customer2->getGender() == 'M') ? 'Male' : 'Female'; // gender
        $payload['1758edf6ecc3ff97e8d8a3a69b6dfa66dce560df'] = $customer2->getDob(); // dob
        $payload['56076d82ef0273eac48490ed6b30a52f374b25f8'] = $customer2->getSmoke(); // smoker
        $payload['4bdd2407d2623871b8501198375f76ff52a8f239'] = ($customer2->getMedicalCondition() == 'N' ? 'No' : 'Yes'); // medical
        $payload['a065bd78f90a6864f6b1cc1aafc331be8073cb7f'] = $customer2->getHeight(); // height
        $payload['89d7a1ac47a57f657de9747845ee78d3db0d0b00'] = $customer2->getWeight(); // weight
        $payload['64d0a0c0f2a30d6016a54bd4a5ccc1c98bab1023'] = ($customer2->getHighRisk() == 'N' ? 'No' : 'Yes'); // high risk

    return $payload;

 * Create Pipedrive Person
 * @param object $customer
 * @param object|boolean $customer2
 * @param string|boolean $address
 * @param string|boolean $occupation
 * @return string
public function createPerson($customer, $customer2 = false, $address = false, $occupation = false)
    $payload = $this->generatePersonPayload($customer, $customer2, $address, $occupation, false);
    $response = $this->request('persons', 'POST', $payload);
    return $response;

 * Update Pipedrive Person
 * @param string $person_id
 * @param object $customer
 * @param object|boolean $customer2
 * @param string|boolean $address
 * @param string|boolean $occupation
 * @return string
public function updatePerson($person_id, $customer, $customer2 = false, $address = false, $occupation = false)
    $payload = $this->generatePersonPayload($customer, $customer2, $address, $occupation, true);
    $response = $this->request('persons/' . $person_id, 'PUT', $payload);
    return $response;

 * Set the Initial Quote Deal
 * @param string $email
 * @param string $quote_id
 * @return object|boolean
public function setInitialDeal($email, $quote_id)
    $person = null;

    Loader::model('quote', 'life_assurance_w');
    Loader::model('webline_quote', 'life_assurance_w');
    $quote = Quote::getByID($quote_id);
    $wl_quote = WeblineQuote::getByQuoteID($quote_id);

    if ($wl_quote) {
        $cust_1 = $quote->getCustomerOne();
        $cust_2 = $quote->getCustomerTwo();

        $person_response = $this->json->decode($this->getPersonByEmail($email), true);

        if ($person_response->success < 1 || empty($person_response->data)) {
            $person_response = $this->json->decode($this->createPerson($cust_1, $cust_2));

            if ($person_response->success) {
                $person = $person_response->data;
        } else {
            $person_response = $this->json->decode($this->updatePerson($person_response->data[0]->id, $cust_1, $cust_2));

            if ($person_response->success) {
                $person = $person_response->data;

        if ($person == null) {
            return false;

        $data = array(
            'title'     => $wl_quote->getQuoteReference() . ' ' . $cust_1->getLastName(),
            'person_id' => $person->id,
            'org_id'    => $this->org_id,
            '8b3481c86963ef18546695dc952026f54f31f14a'  => $_SESSION['la']['unique-id'], // form id
            'a2c8d28983a1494bf6288953f7f606a522485950'  => $wl_quote->getQuoteReference(),
            '2637518334b6bcbe21b738da6d9e073c0ca89a14'  => $quote->getCoverType()->getCoverTypeNice(),
            'bf4d802e36430aeb2347ca3fa9ea2156a36a0a85'  => $quote->getAmount(),
            'ce39fa8bc1443e8e030a7c09acc143e676e13f06'  => $quote->getTermYears(),
            'e46f4ef0be33389090f5692c0315f7c1616817f0'  => $_SESSION['la']['site_referer'],
            'db4d13be9417711592189a684dd31ca2589695d9'  => ($quote->getIndexation() == 'N' ? 'No' : 'Yes'),

        if ($cust_2) {
            $data['title'] = $wl_quote->getQuoteReference() . ' ' . $cust_1->getLastName() . ' & ' . $cust_2->getLastName();

        $response = $this->request('deals', 'POST', $data);
        $deal = $this->json->decode($response);

        if (property_exists($deal, 'data') && property_exists($deal->data, 'id')) {
            return $deal;

    return false;

 * Set Application Deal
 * I *think* this happens when someone has decided that they do want a policy and have gotten to the apply page
 * @param object $data
 * @param object $quote
 * @param object $wqr - Webline quote result
 * @param object $wl_quote - Webline quote
 * @return object|boolean
public function setApplicationDeal($data, $quote, $wqr, $wl_quote)
    $person = null;
    $object = $data['ins-life']['first-life'];
    $benefit_type = $wl_quote->getBenefitType();

    if ($wqr) {
        $cust_1 = $quote->getCustomerOne();
        $cust_2 = $quote->getCustomerTwo();
        $address = implode(", ", array($object['house_no'], $object['street_one'], $object['street_two'], $object['city'], $object['postcode']));

        $person_response = $this->json->decode($this->getPersonByEmail($email), true);

        if ($person_response->success < 1 || empty($person_response->data)) {
            $person_response = $this->json->decode($this->createPerson($cust_1, $cust_2, $address, $object['occupation']));

            if ($person_response->success) {
                $person = $person_response->data;
        } else {
            $person_response = $this->json->decode($this->updatePerson($person_response->data[0]->id, $cust_1, $cust_2, $address, $object['occupation']));

            if ($person_response->success) {
                $person = $person_response->data;

        if ($person == null) {
            return false;

        $pd_data = array(
            'id'        => $object['pipedrive_id'],
            'title'     => $wqr->getResponseRef() . ' ' . $cust_1->getLastName(), // Now get the result ref
            'stage_id'  => 10,
            '89a5051ca2d69391a86d8464b0cc727547ca18ff'  => $_SESSION['la']['quote_results_url'], // quote results URL
            '8b3481c86963ef18546695dc952026f54f31f14a'  => $_SESSION['la']['unique-id'], // form id
            '3f87fdab7fc1e6d0b5ed46db490a9679a35ff2b1'  => $wqr->getResponseRef(),
            '907bb1c4255473ce5275aaa80430763c82054270'  => $wqr->getPremium(),
            'bf4d802e36430aeb2347ca3fa9ea2156a36a0a85'  => $quote->getAmount(),
            '56c3286a748bd5ef234a037f4cddbd3d6c391e7b'  => $wqr->getProductName(), // Need to check
            'a857106379bdf9571fd98142ead489de83e8b1bb'  => $wqr->getProviderName(),
            '49a02ddb2f09bd63655d580ead559c1872f3a879'  => (isset($benefit_type) && $benefit_type->getBenefitTypeHandle() == 'life_cic') ? 'Yes' : 'No',

        if ($cust_2) {
            $pd_data['title'] = $wqr->getResponseRef() . ' ' . $cust_1->getLastName() . ' & ' . $cust_2->getLastName();

        $response = $this->request('deals', 'POST', $pd_data);
        $deal = $this->json->decode($response);

        if (property_exists($deal, 'data') && property_exists($deal->data, 'id')) {
            return $deal;

    return false;
