Unable to use Custom Panel GET_SIGNED_TOKEN token to perform APIs

I’m implementing the Custom Panel with the iFrame of my APP.

I implemented the SDK and implemented the sdk.execute(Command.GET_SIGNED_TOKEN), so I’m able to obtain the JWT Token.

Now what I need to do is getting the current Deal detail via API, the problem is that when I try to perform the request with the JWT as Authentication i get 401.

Here an example of the Request:

Request Header:
Authorization: `Bearer {Token}`

    "success": false,
    "error": "Invalid token: access token is invalid",
    "errorCode": 401,
    "error_info": "Please check developers.pipedrive.com"

Hi @cosimofranco95,

Welcome to our Developers’ Community! :wave:

The JWT token is only for the custom panel. It’s to help you identify that the iframe was loaded inside Pipedrive, along with which user and company did it.

Please use the access tokens you received during the OAuth authorization for API requests.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have further questions!

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