Update person asks for organisation ID

Hi, I’m using this API:


to update a person with the ID of the person. I get an error message back that I’m not providing the correct organization ID. I don’t understand that, because only the person ID is mandatory.

This is how I configured it: {{baseUrl}}/v1/persons/1?&name=testperson&api_token={{apiKey}}

The ID of the person is 1 and I want to update the name to testperson.

this is the error that I get:

“success”: false,
“error”: “Invalid organization ID provided”,
“error_info”: “Please check developers.pipedrive.com for more information about Pipedrive API.”,
“data”: {
“org_id”: “”
“additional_data”: null

Hey @Sebastiaan_van_der_Plaat
Welcome to the community :wave:
I see that you are passing the name as a query parameter. Can you pass it in the body