/v1/itemSearch/field - + sign


https://aconitas-test-sandbox.pipedrive.com/v1/itemSearch/field?api_token=898548**2693067fa959327&term=P+M Business Solutions GmbH&exact_match=1&field_type=organizationField&field_key=name&return_item_ids=1 finds nothing because of +sign in the name of organization.

Hello @Nina_Pashinina

+ is a reserved character and should be encoded before making a request. You can find a list of all reserved characters here.

In your case, + would become %2B, and the response will contain an org. (if it exists with this name)

I created a test org. with the same name in my account and here is how it looked.

Hello @mykhailo ,

and what about this example.
Origin: J. Klöschinski IT-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Encoded: J.+Kl%c3%b6schinski+IT-Systeme+GmbH+%26+Co.+KG
but still can not be found.

Hello @Nina_Pashinina,

I created an org. with the name J. Klöschinski IT-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG

and was able to find it

I noticed that your org. is stored without - symbol between IT and Systeme, but the request you made has - between IT and Systeme.

Could you try to remove - from the term, encode it, and make a request again?

Or you could try these:
J.%20Kl%C3%B6schinski%20IT-Systeme%20GmbH%20%26%20Co.%20KG - has -

J.%20Kl%C3%B6schinski%20IT%20Systeme%20GmbH%20%26%20Co.%20KG - does not have -

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Hello @mykhailo ,

4 eyes are better than 2! Thanks! :slight_smile:

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